NHS England and NHS Improvement Health and Justice (NHSEI H&J) South East - Lived Experience Services for South East Secure Adult Estate and Children and Young Peoples (CYP) Estate
NHS England and NHS Improvement Health & Justice (NHSEI H&J) South East (the Commissioner) seeks to re-commission Lived Experience Services within Kent and Medway prisons: HMP Swaleside, HMP Elmley, HMP Standford Hill, HMP Maidstone, HMP/YOI Rochester & HMP/YOI East Sutton Park., The contribution of service users who have first-hand experience of using the healthcare services within the secure settings is essential to the delivery of effective services and informing the commissioning process. NHSEI H&J is committed to listening and acting upon the voice of the service user in the design, delivery and ongoing performance of healthcare services. , The aims of the Lived Experience Service are:, • To ensure all service users are able to effectively contribute to the continuous improvement of healthcare services, as well as being supported to have an independent voice, through various forms of consultation and regular feedback to secure setting management, the healthcare providers and commissioners, • To ensure service users are able to inform decision-making in relation to healthcare provision , • To help commissioners and healthcare providers ensure that patient/service user outcomes for patients in the H&J system are equivalent to those in the wider community. , The service will be expected to consult/engage with service users on the full range of healthcare services delivered within the establishments via delivery of both on-site and remote service user engagement/participation activities. , The service will also be expected to support Commissioners and facilitate service user involvement in procurement processes for the provision of healthcare services within the establishments (as required over the life of the contract). If procurement support requirements are identified, the contract will be varied to include funding for this support. , The service must hold independence from other (e.g. healthcare) service provision in the specified secure settings in order to have the ability to act as an independent and critical friend., The contract is due to commence on 1st April 2022. The contract duration will be 3 years. , The maximum total contract lifecycle value is £270,000. , This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors