Open in a 8 months
NHS England BCSP Managed Service Procurement
This is a prior information notice for the re-procurement of the Managed Service Provider (MSP) element of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.The procurement of the MSP contract will allow the continued provision of Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) home testing kits to those eligible for the bowel cancer screening programme throughout England. These tests allow those at risk of cancer, and requiring further tests, to be identified and provision is an essential component of the screening pathway. Further tests after FIT are typically screening specialist practitioner review and a screening colonoscopy.The MSP contract broadly covers; the sending of personalised FIT kits to eligible participants in England, management of the logistics to return kits to an NHS bowel cancer screening hub (n=5), the supply of analysers to all 5 hubs, and consumables to test the kits, provision of training for hub staff to analyse the kits, the systems to allow results to be transferred to the Bowel Cancer Screening System (BCSS) software.The notice is to advise the market that NHS England is intending to launch the above opportunity in late November, early December 2024. A further contract notice will be issued to formally start the process, expressions of interest will need to be submitted through the Atamis tendering portal, once the Contract notice is publish. The anticipated contract start date of 1st April 2026, a minimum of 3 year contract term.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors