NHS England South (South East) - Market Update: Special Care Adult Dentistry and Paediatric Dentistry services
Special Care Adult and Paediatric Dentistry - Market Update - WebEx 8th October 2019 (new date) Further to the Market Engagement Workshops held on 15th-17th July 2019, we would like to draw your attention to the planned follow up event taking place on Tuesday 8th October at 4pm - 6 pm. This session will enable potential bidders to receive an update from the Commissioners regarding the feedback received at each workshop and Commissioner progress to date, as part of wider engagement to help inform the re-commissioning of services. Please register your interest in attending this WebEx by 5pm on Friday 4th October 2019, including your organisation name and those individuals who will be joining the session. You can do this via the In-Tend Portal at Webex details will be sent to individuals and organisations who confirm their participation for the session on 8th October from 4 pm - 6 pm. The 8th October replaces the provisional date of 4th September 2019 which was previously shared at July's workshops (and in the presentation slides shared afterwards). This notice is placed in order to facilitate early engagement with potential providers, and relates only to a pre-procurement market engagement workshop NHS England South East are seeking to re-commission Special Care Adult Dentistry and Paediatric Dentistry services (currently known as Community Dental Services) in the South East of England (Thames Valley, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Dorset) and will be holding a procurement process to award new contracts to provide these services from April 2021 The route to market for the various service elements and geographies is still being determined but, as a guide the procurement(s) are anticipated to commence from Winter 2019. NHS England anticipates contracting for services under Personal Dental Services agreements. The total annual value of the combined services is anticipated to be in the region of c.£40m. This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners Prospective bidders are warmly invited to pre-procurement market engagement workshops being hosted by NHS England on the following dates:- Monday 15th July 2019 in Reading* 13.00-16.30 Tuesday 16th July 2019 in Gatwick* 13.00-16.30 Wednesday 17th July 2019 in Southampton* 13.00-16.30 *We are in the process of finalising venues for events and will advise you of these when you have registered
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85130000 - Dental practice and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors