NHS Frimley CCG - Children and young people's Specialist Behaviour Support Service
NHS Frimley CCG is considering their sourcing options for the commissioning of a children and young people's Specialist Behaviour Support multi-agency service operating in East Berkshire on three levels to prevent needs escalating and to reduce unnecessary admissions to hospital or to residential settings. The service is intended for children and young people who are registered with an East Berkshire GP aged 5-17 inclusive who have a learning disability and 5-25 inclusive for those who are autistic with no learning disability. The Specialist Behaviour Support Service will be targeted at: •those children and young people with autism and/or learning disabilities and a mental health diagnosis, whose needs cannot be met by CAMHS and •those children and young people with autism and/or a learning disability who do not have a mental health diagnosis but are displaying dangerous or destructive behaviours and are at risk of placement breakdown. The service will: •Work across settings and at flexible times of day when required, with core team hours 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday •Include holistic advice and support meeting the needs of the child/young people •Work proactively with the child, their family and others who support them, to sustain and facilitate a full and active life in their local community, and where an admission has been necessary, to support arrangements to facilitate discharge and ongoing sustainable support •Provide telephone contact out of hours to advise the Crisis Team and on call paediatric consultant when required. Timing: •First phase of service in place by 1st February 2022 •Gradual phasing in of service across 2022/23 •Service fully operational by 2023/2024. The service would offer Intensive Support, Specialist Support, and Mental Health and Positive Behavioural Support Training and Training on Autism and Learning Disability. For further details see full length description attached. The maximum contract value is expected to be £1,600,000 for the three year period. The anticipated maximum annual value is £600,000 with the potential to have a further optional extension period being considered. The spend profile by financial year is: -2021/2022 (part year): £200,000 -2022/2023 (full year): £400,000 -2023/2024 (full year): £600,000 -2024/2050 (part year): £400,000 Note: Any values and timescales stated are for guidance purposes only and should not be taken as a guarantee. This process is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. If you would be interested in providing the service, please register on our e-procurement portal at before 5pm on 08/10/2021 indicating your interest with supporting information on where you are currently providing similar services.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors