NHS Fylde Coast CCGs – Adult Integrated Respiratory Service (AIRS)
NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) is procuring an Adult Integrated Respiratory Service (AIRS) on behalf of NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Fylde & Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group collectively known as Fylde Coast CCGs, who are currently the Contracting Authority for this opportunity. It is anticipated that CCGs will merge into Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB), part of the proposed Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Systems (ICS). It is anticipated this contract will novate to the ICB when it is formed., Fylde Coast CCGs are looking to redesign respiratory services locally and develop a truly integrated respiratory team capable of delivering “joined up care at the right time in the optimal setting” as set out in the NHS Long-Term plan. The ambition is that the AIRS will incorporate a multidisciplinary approach that has a strong focus on care based in the community, with in-reach into the acute setting facilitating earlier discharge and supporting admission/readmission avoidance. , Fylde Coast CCGs are initially seeking to commission an integrated combined Home Oxygen Service-Assessment and Review (HOS-AR) and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service that will form the foundation of AIRS. The service will align with the vision of the Fylde Coast Respiratory Transformation Programme and develop into a fully integrated, multi-disciplinary, Adult Integrated Respiratory Service, over a three-year timeframe. The delivery model will focus on prevention, identification and early intervention and on-going management, which for the Fylde Coast population will aim to , •Reduce their risk of developing respiratory disease, •Ensure equitable access to early and accurate diagnosis of respiratory diseases, with early intervention to improve quality of life and slow disease progression., •Provide high quality, consistent and integrated care for those living with respiratory diseases, with treatments and support provided in a community setting wherever possible., The service, which will also deliver support for patients who have been diagnosed with post-Covid syndrome, will integrate with existing services e.g. Rapid Response, Respiratory Virtual Ward, to ensure that patients are managed on the most appropriate treatment pathway and that they experience a seamless transition of care. , Candidates wishing to be considered must register their expression of interest & provide additional procurement-specific information (by registering on the Bravo portal). Candidates should register on the portal at (registration and use of the website is free of charge).
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors