NHS Golden Jubilee Cardiac Perfusion Consumables
The Board has the requirement for three types of custom made Tubing Packs:, Type 1 -, Adult Perfusion Tubing Pack without Arterial Filter, to support approximately 1,400 cases per annum., Type 2 -, ECMO Tubing Pack, to support approximately 20 cases per annum., Type 3 -, VAD Tubing Pack, to support approximately 40 cases per annum., All products must be manufactured to the relevant Circuit Diagrams and Specifications provided, which are included within the additional documents section of the portal., These quantities may fluctuate in line with service demand, therefore, are not binding to NHS Golden Jubilee Board., Bidders must submit one unsterile sample(to relevant Circuit Diagrams and Specifications) of each product for a non clinical evaluation, no later than 16:00 hours on Tuesday 2 February 2021., Shortlisted bidders must then submit four sterile samples of each product for clinical evaluation,no later than 16:00 hours on Monday 8 March 2021.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33140000 - Medical consumables
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors