NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG: The Provision of an Interim Community Phlebotomy Service (Market Test)
NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG (GH CCG) is seeking to commission additional interim Community Phlebotomy capacity from September 2020 until 31 March 2021. This is due to the implications of delivering services within a hospital setting due to the ongoing COVID situation. Specifically, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust have informed GH CCG that blood tests will now take longer (previously 6, now 10 minute appointments) and that Infection Prevention Control, Social distancing and Personal Protective Equipment requirements will mean a proportion of the annual Greater Huddersfield phlebotomy activity will not be able to be undertaken at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Our current understanding is that the pro rata activity for the seven month length of this interim contract is circa 26,754 venepunctures. Consequently, GH CCG would like to support care closer to home by commissioning additional community phlebotomy capacity until 31 March 2021. Requirements The service will: •Be available until at least 31 March 2021 for ambulatory patients •Be provided from central Huddersfield and wider community venue •Ensure access to a phlebotomist within an appropriate waiting time in accordance to the urgency of the tests required •Ensure access to a phlebotomist to compliment the transportation of samples to ensure tests are performed without undue delay •Ensure phlebotomists provide a Monday to Friday 8am-6pm service, delivering 10 minute appointments for a minimum six hours a day per chair; •Be on an appointment basis - meaning from the start of the service the Provider(s) must offer IT bookable appointments for all 37 greater Huddersfield practices The Provider(s) will ensure: •Appropriate Clinical oversight is provided for the service •The venue meets required safety, quality, infection, prevention and control standards and is registered as an additional Provider venue via CQC •Staff providing the services are suitably qualified and competent and that appropriate arrangements are in place for maintaining and updating relevant skills and knowledge for supervision •All premises and equipment used for the provision of service are at all times suitable for the delivery of those services and sufficient to meet the needs of the patient Based on the above the CCG is keen to receive expressions of interest from suitably qualified potential bidders. Your response should include: •An overview of your organisation(s) and experience in providing a phlebotomy service •Confirmation that your interest is based on a clear understanding of the requirements set out in this notice •Confirmation of your capacity and capability to be able to mobilise the service to commence in September 2020 •Confirmation that you will be able to offer IT bookable appointments from the start of the service
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85110000 - Hospital and related services
85120000 - Medical practice and related services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors