NHS Haringey CCG Primary Care Anticoagulant and Stroke Prevention Service
NHS Haringey CCG is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified providers for a Primary Care Anticoagulant and Stroke Prevention service. The service is being commissioned using the Any Qualified Provider process. The qualification period for the AQP accreditation is estimated to be from 1 November 2015/1 January 2016 (Start date to be confirmed) to 31 March 2018, with a potential option to extend for further 12 months. The CCG may open up additional qualification rounds during the accreditation period, should there be any geographical areas within the CCG area where further choice of provider is required; the CCG reserves the right to limit the next accreditation round if held to specific geographical areas only. The overall aim is to provide on-going monitoring and management of anticoagulation therapy in the community for patients aged 18 and over, who are registered with a GP practice in Haringey CCG, including temporary residents, in line with National Guidance. Aims of the Service • To provide an excellent integrated Anticoagulant and Stroke Prevention service across primary and secondary care in which therapy is usually initiated in secondary care and maintenance of appropriate patients is managed in a primary care and home setting. With the maturation of the service it will be possible in the future for the decision to anti-coagulate a patient to be taken by the GP and the initiation and the maintenance to take place in the primary care setting. • To provide services that are near to patients and are easily accessible • To provide increased capacity in the community to meet the rising demand for anticoagulant monitoring • To shift the majority of the burden of anticoagulant monitoring from Secondary Care into the community allowing the hospitals to focus on new and problematic patients • To ensure the same high quality of service to patients whether accessed in primary or secondary care • To ensure that maintenance of patients is properly controlled and the need for continuation of therapy is reviewed regularly and discontinued where appropriate. • To support patients in understanding and managing their anti-coagulant treatment
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors