NHS Hastings and Rother CCG Integrated Community MSK Procurement
The objective of the procurement is to appoint a single entity ( Prime Contractor) to deliver integrated MSK care in the region covered by the Commissioner. The Prime Contractor is expected to demonstrate a credible approach to engaging patients and representative groups in design and delivery of services. The service will be provided within a ‘hub and spoke' framework. In the evaluation, the Commissioner expects to secure the best possible integration of health care expertise and access to services, but also have informed choice in their patient journeys. The approach will ensure the financial sustainability of the Prime Contractor to undertake the full range of MSK activity either directly providing or through subcontracting arrangements. The Integrated MSK Service will deliver (see specification for full details): •Co-ordinated and integrated care across the MSK pathway as a whole •Improved MSK health for a defined population •Reduction in waiting times •Strategies and processes to reduce incidence of non-attendance; •Equity of access to consistent levels of care •Improved knowledge and skills in primary care through training and education •Promotion of self-care •Implementation of agreed shared care plans for medication •A protocol based approach to ensure that patients see the right person in the right place first time •Identification of and reduction in unwarranted variation across the MSK pathway •Pathway efficiencies and the elimination of waste across the entire pathway •Shared Decision Making, involving and informing patients and their carers about the options available to them •Choice at the point of onward referral to secondary care or more specialist services •For patients on a surgical or invasive procedure pathway, fitness for procedures assessment, preliminary consenting, direct listing (if clinically appropriate) and early supported discharge planning •A single point of access through which the patient’s discharge and rehabilitation is coordinated; •Treatment and post-operative rehabilitation, education and advice •For the more complex patients shared care arrangements between the patient, their GP and support of specialist teams •Access to and delivery of diagnostics, to include Primary Care access to Diagnostics (MRI, pathology, X-ray, etc) to meet the requirements of One-stop Clinics as appropriate •Participation in, and support of, educational and training of medical students, junior doctors, nurses and other ancillary medical personnel •Provision of comprehensive and accurate activity data that will enable effective tracking of patients through the care pathways The tender will be conducted via the NHS Commercial Solutions Bravo e tendering system. Bidders wishing to Express an Interest in participating will be required to register on the Bravo system to access documents. See Attachments Section 5 for full details on how to register and participate.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors