NHS Kirklees CCG: 12 Lead ECG Service - Market Test
Kirklees CCG is seeking to commission a 12 Lead ECG service to provide remote clinical interpretation for our 64 GP practices. With testing for cardiovascular disease being identified as a priority within the Long Term Plan and NICE highlighting its importance, provision of this service in primary care will allow for rapid diagnosis and for the patient to receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. It will also facilitate the equalisation of provision across the CCG footprint, harmonising a historically divergent approach in different areas. The CCG currently performs approximately 10,000 Adults (16+) 12 lead ECGs annually. The CCG would welcome responses from providers who can demonstrate that they can provide a service which meets the following stipulations: • Provider to deliver appropriate training in ECG test delivery to each GP practice. • Readings will be transmitted to the provider for swift interpretation and reporting by trained and accredited clinicians. • Interpretation will take account of context i.e. patient condition, history and medications. • Written reports will include an image of the reading and be sent securely in a format compatible with the existing patient record system. • All ECG interpretations will be reported within a timescale determined by clinical need and clinician ordering an ECG test. The ECG interpretation will be reported to the requesting clinician as soon as possible. • The provider must have a system in place to provide the service during General Practice extended hours, generally 07:00-08:00 and 18:30-21:00. In addition, the provider must: • Be compliant with the recommendations made by the relevant professional and regulatory bodies including NICE guidelines. • Continue to adhere to "Clinical Guidelines by Consensus Recording a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram An Approved Methodology" by Society for Cardiological Science & Technology (SCST) and any subsequent updates. • Be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). • Be located within the United Kingdom. • Ensure robust data recording and reporting is in place to ensure quality assurance and effective delivery of the service. • Demonstrate that the collection, storage and transfer of information to other services, including that in electronic format is secure and complies with any data protection requirements. • Comply with all relevant NHS policies and procedures.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors