NHS Leeds CCG Temporary Care Home Beds for Hospital Discharge
This notice is to inform the market there is a contract opportunity to provide temporary care home beds for hospital discharge to the city of Leeds, West Yorkshire. The Temporary Care Home Beds for Hospital Discharge service is an integrated person-centred approach to the safe and timely transfer of medically optimised patients from an acute hospital to a community setting. This is to enable the assessment of their long-term health and social care needs or continued recovery before being able to go home. The service is aimed at people who no longer have a reason to reside in hospital and therefore do not require an acute hospital bed, but who still require ongoing care for a period of assessment or recovery. As part of a whole system approach the service will offer recovery, and assessment within a care home setting. The Temporary Care Home Beds for Hospital Discharge service is aimed primarily at older people as the single biggest group of hospital bed users nationally. With a predicted growth in the over 65 age group these pressures are likely to increase. This specification outlines a temporary measure to alleviate pressures for this group across the wider health and social care system which may be further exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Service Specification describes how care will be delivered to service users that have been identified by the commissioner (or organisation acting on behalf of the commissioner) as requiring up to 4 weeks rest or recuperation (with or without therapy needs) for their long term needs to be assessed which is likely to be to return home, with or without a package of care. If someone does have therapy needs this will be managed by community physio therapists and occupational therapists. Whereas there is no expectation to supply the therapy oversight the home will be expected to encourage patient participation and include needs in care planning to prevent dependency increasing due to lack of mobilisation. To qualify the home MUST: - be registered with CQC for the relevant regulated activity appropriate to the placement . be registered with CQC for caring for adults over 65 yrs - Not hold an inadequate CQC rating in any of the 5 domains or overall
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors