NHS Leeds South & East CCG Children’s MSK Service
NHS Leeds South and East CCG, on behalf of the three Leeds CCGs, wish to contract with providers for a Children’s MSK Service for patients registered with a Leeds GP Practice. Brief Description of Service Requirements: To provide a community based specialist physiotherapy service for children and adolescents; to achieve the best health and well-being outcomes for young people suffering with non-acute musculoskeletal conditions. In addition, the service will: •Ensure patients are seen and treated in an environment most appropriate to their needs. •Improve patient choice and convenience; •Ensure a child-friendly environment and flexible appointment system to meet the needs of patients and carers •Ensure joined up care and pathways across the whole health community. •Deliver a service which has the ability to flex its resource base to meet capacity •Improve the patient pathway; the service is responsible for developing localised protocols and referral documentation A programme of audit and review will be undertaken at predefined intervals to monitor service standards, outcomes and patient satisfaction and the results shared with the commissioner. All provisions of this service will be expected to meet and comply with NHS standards for IT Governance, Data Protection, security of general and personal information, data and records held and processed and transmitted (via and over all mediums). The successful provider will be required to sign the NHS Standard Short Form Contract for the service and accept all terms and conditions. Potential Providers are asked to please note the Following: •Service specifications, Standard NHS Short Form Contract and the electronic application form can be found online at •Applications will be received until 03/05/2016 12:00 •Applicants are advised to review the service conditions and general conditions for the NHS standard contract before making their applications, these can be found at the following link: NHS England » 2016/17 NHS standard contract •If applicants are asked clarification questions during the evaluation stage they will have 48 hours to respond. The contract will last for three years with the option to extend for a further 2 years.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors