NHS Leeds West CCG (on behalf of the 3 Leeds CCGs) - Active Signposting
Award of a contract for the following: NHS Leeds West CCG on behalf of the three Leeds CCGs, including NHS Leeds North CCG and NHS Leeds South and East CCG wish to contract with a provider to provide a training and development programme for practice teams to prepare and enable them for working differently for Leeds GP practices (Active Signposting). NHS England (NHSE) has committed national funding to support some change areas outlined in the GPFV. Funding for training of front of house in general practice will support skills and confidence for staff to play a greater role in the active sign-posting of patients. Both of these developments will free up GP time to be able to focus care on the most complex patients, as endorsed by the British Medical Association and Royal College of Nursing. There are already good examples of local practice teams embracing change and working differently but there are also some practices who are more resistant to the changes outlined in the GPFV and need support about the benefits of new ways of working. Although not part of this tender, a communications campaign will run alongside this work as we recognize that in order to successfully implement this change into general practice, it will be necessary to engage with the general population to communicate the purpose and benefit of the general practice workforce changes. The general population must be informed of the change in communication style and approach at the front desk that this will engender. The active sign-posting process starts with the receptionist understanding the reason that the patient is contacting the practice, and then sign-posting them to the appropriate service / process Objectives •All staff working in reception in all Leeds GP practices receive appropriate training to develop the skills required to feel confident and competent to carry out active signposting to agreed standards. •All practice teams to be prepared, enabled and have plans to support front line staff engaged in active sign-posting, and for the implementation of active signposting. •All practice teams to understand and appreciate the context and drivers of the GPFV and the utilisation of a broader primary care workforce, and why this is national policy.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80511000 - Staff training services
80561000 - Health training services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors