NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group - The Provision of an interim Night Nursing/Sitting Service for End of Life Clients (Expressions of Interest)
NHS North Kirklees CCG ('NKCCG') is seeking to commission an out of hours night nursing and sitting service from 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2022 across Kirklees and Calderdale. *NB With effect from 1 April 2021 North Kirklees and Greater Huddersfield CCGs will merge to form a new organisation: NHS Kirklees CCG. The provision of planned one to one carer support by a Senior Health Care Assistant ('SHCA') covering a single individual per shift. Registered Nurses ('RN') can provide assessment and advice where the requirement for support is identified. Alternatively, local District Nurses ('DNs') can also undertake the assessment, and then refer to the service. The level of nursing support required will be assessed on referral and on regular review during the episode of care by the Senior Nurse in collaboration with the Referrer. The care is for individuals who are in the end of life stage of their illness; whose needs can be met through short episodes of care, and care is to take place in the individual's usual place of residence. Care can also be provided in care homes where required. Care is delivered at any time between 22:00-07:00, 7 days per week, 365 days a year, as appropriate to support the needs of the individual and carers. The agreement is made between the Referrer, individual/family/carer, and the Provider (Senior Nurse), and the need for care is regularly reviewed every two weeks by the Provider Senior Nurse in conjunction with the District Nurse. Care The Provider will provide SHCAs to deliver care and support for referred individuals with terminal illness, which will comprise management of pain and other symptoms and provision of emotional and practical support as set out in the care plan provided by the Referrer. Pain management will entail SHCAs communicating increasing symptoms to RNs or DNs. RNs can provide assessment and advice where the requirement for support is identified. Location Care will be delivered in the individual's home (or other agreed location) on a single individual shift/visit basis. Agreed location may include care homes, private residence or the individual's choice of location, which must be a safe and practical environment.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors