NHS North Kirklees Specialist Contact Lens Service AQP
NHS North Kirklees CCG is procuring a Specialist Contact Lens service for the population of the North Kirklees CCG area using the Any Qualified Provider (AQP) route. As the population ages, the incidence, prevalence and burden of eye disease is set to augment and with many eye diseases chronic in nature this means lifelong management. As diagnostic tests become more sophisticated and easier to administer and with the development of new treatments demand for eye care services is increasing. Current changes in health service provision, predicated by re-organisation and the need for efficiencies and service re-design, are such that certain services and specialties will see major change in the delivery of care. Ophthalmology is a specialty which is suitable for the relocation of a large proportion of work from secondary to primary and community care, and the recent emphasis on providing care in settings more convenient and accessible to patients has provided an additional incentive to develop and expand these services
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors