NHS North Lincolnshire CCG - Urgent Treatment Centre
This PIN is to advise the intentions of NHS North Lincolnshire CCG to procure an Urgent Treatment centre that also incorporates the North Lincolnshire Primary Care Extended Access and GP OOHs functions. The Urgent Treatment Centre, GPOOH and an element of the extended access service will be based on the Scunthorpe General Hospital site and will be the only front door to the hospital for those patients that choose to self-present at the hospital for unplanned care. Extended Access will also be provided at care network level. It is currently envisioned that the opportunity will be advertised in November 2018. The aims of the service are to ensure that the public will: - Be able to access a GP led Urgent Treatment Centre, staffed by GPs, nurses and other clinicians, with access to simple diagnostics, e.g. urinalysis, ECG and X-Ray. - Have a consistent route to access urgent appointments offered within 4 hours and booked through NHS 111 or general practice. - Have walk in access to Urgent Care - Be treated by an Urgent Care service where they are conveyed to the hospital in an ambulance, but their need is not an emergency and does not require an A&E response. Emergency ambulance conveyance will continue to convey people directly to A&E. - Increasingly be able to access urgent, routine and same day appointments in and out of hours both in person and through the use of digital technologies. - Know that the Urgent Treatment Centre is part of locally integrated urgent and emergency care services working in conjunction with the ambulance service, NHS 111, local GPs, community services, A&E services and other local providers of services including Mental Health and Social Care. - Have equal access to a range of pre bookable appointments with GPs and other healthcare professionals (that day if required). This service will deliver truly integrated Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Care treatment and response service to people from the Scunthorpe Hospital site. NHS North Lincolnshire CCG plan to procure this service to be in place from 1st July 2019, and the contract will be let for 5 years. The financial envelope is estimated to be between £5m and £7m per year. The value in this notice is represented as the maximum value of the opportunity for the five year contract based on the higher estimate of £7m per annum.
Published Date :
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121100 - General-practitioner services
Status :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors