NHS North West Surrey CCG Request for Proposal (RFP) for Behavioural, Emotional and Neurodevelopmental (BEN) service (interim) for Children and Young People
NHS North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group ( NWS CCG) is seeking to appoint a Provider for the provision of follow up annual reviews for children prescribed with CNS stimulants / atomoxetine for ADHD. An Open Future Opportunity Notice was published on Contracts Finder on 30th May 2017 to this effect. These medications have been initiated by a specialist in line with NICE CG72. Within NHS NWS CCG Oongoing prescribing and monitoring of drug therapy is performed under shared care arrangements - all NWS CCG all practices have signed up to deliver the shared care arrangements and will undertake the 6 month review subject to a locally commissioned service. In NHS Surrey Downs CCG however no such shared care arrangements are yet in place and therefore the provider will be expected to undertake 6 month reviews for this patient cohort as required. The current follow up service uses a skill mix of consultant and nurse specialist. These staff may be subject to TUPE. secondment and/or fixed term employment to assist with early mobilisation of services. The parties to the procurement are: (i)NHS North West Surrey CCG (Lead Commissioner for Surrey and the Awarding Commission (ii)NHS Surrey Downs CCG The attachments (Section 5) to this Notice gives potential bidders sufficient information to decide whether they wish to access the full tender documentation. The contract value for the initial 2 year period is £749,116.00 ( inclusive of prescribed drugs ). There is a potential extension of a further year. The tender will be conducted via the NHS Commercial Solutions Bravo e tendering system. Bidders wishing to Express an Interest (EOI) in participating will be required to register on the Bravo system if they have not previously done so. This can be done at any time via this web link: The Bravo Project number for this tender is Project 2445. The Invitation to Tender number is itt_2480 An organisation will be assumed to have expressed interest by registering on the Invitation to Tender on the portal. NHS Commercial Solutions is utilising the Bravo system to administer this Procurement and to communicate with potential Bidders. Accordingly, there will be no hard copy documents issued to potential Bidders. All communications with the Commissioners and NHS Commercial Solutions will be conducted via the Bravo secure messaging service within the portal hosted by BravoSolution, the managed service provider for the NHS Commercial Solutions eTendering system. It is free to register on the portal, and it can be accessed at any time of day. Should Bidders have any queries, or if Bidders are having problems registering on the portal, they should contact the BravoSolution dedicated Supplier Support, available from the Bravo Help desk: Phone: 0800 368 4850 ( Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm ) E-mail:
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors