NHS Sheffield CCG : 24/7 Online Mental Health Platform
The South Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) is seeking to establish a common digital offer for the South Yorkshire public. This common offer and platform will integrate to national services, i.e., NHS App, NHS Login and NHS.UK, and will seek to integrate a suite of applications that will offer common services such as booking appointments and managing medications, as well as offering some condition or public cohort specific and personalised services. SY ICS is targeting this service to become operational in 2022/23. The Mental Health specific service will initially operate as a standalone service but must have sufficient integration capability to integrate with the common offer/platform to ensure an excellent experience for the public that is joined up, and in line with the NHS X Digital Technology Assessment Criteria. The provider of the Mental Health service will be required to work with South Yorkshire ICS Digital team to establish this integration as part of delivering the Mental Health Service and the implementation and transition to a SY common digital offer for the public The purpose of the service is to provide an accessible and discretionary digital mental health service to individuals aged 16 years and above in South Yorkshire, ensuring age appropriate safeguarding measures are in place. To provide immediate open access to Mental Health information ( local and national) Improve connectivity to mental health services and support through the use of digital services built around the needs and views of service users Prevent mental health issues escalating and reaching crisis point, by providing access to therapeutic interventions and counselling support. An experienced work force will be provided and all counsellors will be registered with an appropriate professional body i.e. BACP or equivalent. To complement existing mental health crisis services and digital offers in place To provide a service that will help to respond to the anticipated increase in demand arising from the Covid 19 pandemic. The digital platform will enable individuals to access self-assessments and self-management resources and an online peer support community, moderated by mental health professionals. Improve partnership working across the mental and physical health and social care system across South Yorkshire , through engagement and awareness of the platform across the system. The Contract will be for a term of 18 months with the opportunity to extend for a further 18 months subject to mutual agreement between the successful Bidder and the Authority. The maximum term of Contract is consequently 3 years. The value given in this notice is for 18 months.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors