NHS Sheffield CCG : 24/7 Online Mental Health Platform
The South Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) is seeking to establish a common digital offer for the South Yorkshire public. This common offer and platform will integrate to national services, i.e., NHS App, NHS Login and NHS.UK, and will seek to integrate a suite of applications that will offer common services such as booking appointments and managing medications, as well as offering some condition or public cohort specific and personalised services. SY ICS is targeting this service to become operational in 2022/23. The Mental Health specific service will initially operate as a standalone service but must have sufficient integration capability to integrate with the common offer/platform to ensure an excellent experience for the public that is joined up, and in line with the NHS X Digital Technology Assessment Criteria. The provider of the Mental Health service will be required to work with South Yorkshire ICS Digital team to establish this integration as part of delivering the Mental Health Service and the implementation and transition to a SY common digital offer for the public
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CPV Codes
85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors