NHS Sheffield CCG:16-17 Year Old De-Escalation Safe Space (non-clinical support)
Sheffield wishes to pilot a crisis safe space for young people aged 16 and 17 undergoing mental health or behavioural crisis that do not require a formal mental health hospital provision. The aim for the service is to ensure that timely and effective crisis support is delivered in a community setting, away from an acute hospital environment when not clinically necessary. The community-based crisis safe space will offer a safe supportive environment for the de-escalation of mental health or behavioural crisis as a cooling off period for the young person experiencing crisis. The provision will enable a community wrap-round rapid response to enact a holistic needs assessment. Sheffield CCG (SCCG) will welcome innovative approaches to service user support but, as a guide, we expect the crisis safe space service will: -Provide the platform to support a range of interventions, which are personalised and tailored to the service user's needs -Supporting the service user to develop skills and coping strategies to manage future crises. -Advice, support and advocacy in accessing other services provided by statutory and voluntary organisations. -Each service user will have an individual support and action plan and risk management plan that is drawn up in conjunction with the service user and is reviewed throughout their stay. -Working collaboratively with appropriate trusts/partners to support effective and timely interventions, including discharge planning that aims to reduce length of stay to a minimum safe period. -Ensure a culturally competent and respectful service provision in order to support the cultural diversity of service user groups -Supporting service users in preparing meals, if appropriate. The Contract will be for a term of 6 months with the opportunity to extend for a further 6 months subject to mutual agreement between the successful Bidder and the Authority. The maximum term of Contract is consequently one year. The available budget not to be exceeded is £144,000 for the six months duration.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors