NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Doncaster place : A Community-Based Rape and Sexual abuse support and counselling service
The NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) makes a renewed commitment to improve and widen access to care for adults needing mental health support. The NHS LTP promises to increase alternative forms of provision within the community for those who need support with their mental health but do not need an NHS led service. The NHS LTP also commits to expanding provision to ensure survivors of sexual assault are offered integrated therapeutic mental health support, both after an incident and to provide ongoing care where needed. The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) provides the best measure of victimisation and estimated that for the year ending March 2022, 2.7% of adults aged 16 to 59 years were victims of sexual assault (including attempts) in the last yearThe NHS Long Term Plan makes a renewed commitment to improve and widen access to care for adults needing mental health support. The 2022-25 Doncaster Community Safety Strategy has a strong focus on tackling domestic and sexual abuse and reducing violence. The strategy commits to develop a longer term financial and commissioning strategy to ensure there are specialist services for victims of domestic abuse and sexual abuse. In 2019 Doncaster saw a spike in sexual abuse cases of 3.7% compared to the previous year in line with England. Doncaster Councils Crime and Community Safety Report highlights a reduction in sexual abuse and rape throughout 2020 and an increase in other sexual offences compared to 2019 (as shown in Fig.2). Whilst the reduction in sexual abuse and rape cases are positive, it's important to note that the numbers remain high, the pandemic likely had an impact on the reporting of offences and the reduction is much lower than the South Yorkshire average. The contract is three year duration with an option to extend by two years making a total of 5 years. The annual budget not to be exceeded is £114,000. The value given in this notice is for the full five year term.
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CPV Codes
85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors