NHS Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group – Walk-in Service.
The NHS Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (GEM CSU) on behalf of Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (SDCCG) are commissioning the re-procurement of Derby City Centre Walk-in Services. The aim of this procurement process is to provide a walk-in service for patients that require urgent care for an acute condition that can be dealt with in a single episode.The providers aim will be to:— Provide a high quality and safe service for patients,— Meet all NHS requirements notified to it to the extent that they apply to the Walk-In-Centre Services,— Treat all Walk-in-Centre Patients who attend the Walk-in-Centre for clinical care,— Ensure patients will be triaged on a clinical priority basis,— Patients to be discharged when considered that all necessary treatment has been undertaken, advice given, or a referral made,— Patients arriving with conditions that cannot be treated should be referred to another service,— Ensure details of any treatment provided to Walk-in-Centre Patients are sent to the GP practice at which the Walk-in-Centre Patient is ordinarily registered by 8:00 the next day,— Establish and implementation of systems to allow Walk-in-Centre Patients to opt out of the provisions above and that any Walk-in-Centre Patients opting out of the provisions is advised of the potential adverse consequences that may arise from the Provider withholding this clinical information from the Walk-In-Centre patient's registered GP practice,— A Medical Prescriber is available throughout opening times,— Ensure compliance with Patient Group Directions HSC2000/026,— Manage the overall running of the centre including the coordination of other services based at the Centre. The Provider will be responsible for all on-site management of the premise including day to day communication with cleaning services, deliveries, waste disposal, security etc.,— There may be additions or changes in the service requirements in the future, but this would be dependent on the changes within health community and proposed new housing planned within Derby City and across Southern Derbyshire,A Public Engagement Event to discuss planned services for the Derby walk-in service will take place in Derby on the evening of Wednesday 21.5.2014, between 17:30–20:00 (venue to be confirmed on registration). Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group will present progress to date and discuss future modelling of walk-in services from 1.4.2015. The public will then have an opportunity to have its say and allows for interested providers to review consultations already undertaken.Anyone interested in attending is asked to register byFriday 16.5.2014 by emailing or calling 01332 868923.Further information around the Derby walk-in services review and consultation can be obtained by visiting then clicking on “Derby Walk-In Service Review” on the right-hand side of the home page.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors