NHS Southport & Formby CCG - Community Services – Invitation to Market Engagement Event
NHS Southport & Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (S&FCCG) is made up of local doctors, nurses, practice staff and member of the public, who are well placed to know the health needs and views of people living in the area. S&FCCG brings together 19 doctor’s surgeries covering an area stretching from Ince Blundell in the south to Churchtown in the north. This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice, and relates only to the market engagement process and is not a call for competition S&FCCG would like to invite Providers to attend a 'Market Engagement Event' which will inform the market of our intentions to provide community services for adults. This event is taking place on Wednesday 18th November 2015 NHS Southport & Formby CCG has been reviewing commissioning options for Integrated Community Services for some time. Following a number of visioning events in June 2014, where more than 100 stakeholders contributed, the CCG developed a long term vision for integrated community services which is underpinned by a robust clinical commissioning strategy: “Building for the future – a clinical commissioning strategy” to support the delivery of integrated adult community health services. The objectives of this strategy are to ensure that our commissioned services are: • Integrated, responsive and delivered according to patient / population need, in partnership with others • Proactively engaged in community asset building and development • Effective in preventing illness and promoting self-care, health and wellbeing • Focused on improving patient experience and quality of care • Clinically led in planning and delivery • Providing high clinical quality through excellent clinical leadership and governance • Aligned to avoiding unplanned admission to acute care Effective in facilitating early, safe transfers of care Bidders will be expected to demonstrate: • How they will partner with CCGs in an environment of transforming health and social care provision in accordance with the Five Year Forward View and the commissioners 5 year strategies • How they will support CCGs cost improvements as part of the QIPP programmes of each CCG, including proposals for risk sharing continuing health care spend growth • How they will support CCG quality improvements as part of the QIPP programme in each CCG • How the management structure they have has senior clinical leadership and oversight of the service • How they will include service users in their service development • How they will work and integrate with other provider organisations, including primary and secondary care • How they can demonstrate their own internal efficiencies and value for money Through this procurement exercise, S&FCCG is looking for a community services provider that will work with S&FCCG and other key partners to deliver the best healthcare for the population of Southport & Formby.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors