NHS St Helens Primary Care Mental Health Service Provision including IAPT Service Specification
NHS St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group - Primary Care Mental Health Service Provision including IAPT. NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) are working on behalf of NHS St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who wish to engage with potential Bidders to soft market test their approach prior to a procurement for Primary Care Mental Health Provision including IAPT for patients living in the town. Most people with mental health problems are cared for by their GP with one in four GP consultations containing a mental health component. The CCG is committed to providing high quality, safe, treatment and care which is known to be effective and accessible. The CCG recognises that, to enable Primary Care Mental Health Services (PCMH) to successfully deliver expected outcomes and support the recovery of Service Users, services need to work together as a system to provide holistic care and treatment, identify any gaps in service provision and ensure that communication with Service Users, providers and commissioners is maintained. Mental health issues incorporate a potential myriad of social, interpersonal and psychological distress. On occasions, further interventions and support may be required, be it employment or debt advice or support following bereavement. During 2018- 19, the CCG and Local Authority have integrated to become St Helens Cares. This Integrated approach has been supported by the Kings Fund and Nationally recognised as good practice. GP forward View describes the development of GP localities into GP Hubs - which may commission and provide local based services for their population. They may do this a standalone practice from shared premises or GPs coming together /merging as larger practices. It will be a service that: •Is population-based, pro-active, preventative and vigilant in nature; •Offers support, secures enduring recovery, resilience and well-being for service users and carers; •Has GPs, as accountable clinicians, at its heart; •Brings together a robust, vibrant menu of services to wrap round the individual and improve their mental, physical and social resilience. This service will integrate two broad areas: •Clinical - primary care mental health services including Case Management, Psychiatry and Psychological Therapies for those whose needs do not require secondary care. •Well-being - services that support increased functioning and social integration so key to long-term recovery, including Self-Care, Peer Support, Navigators and a specialist integrated Mental Health Employment Service and social prescribing. These services will be delivered by the NHS, Local Authority and Voluntary Sector working together, providing an integrated offer to support GPs, their patients and carers. St Helens CCG will also act as a coordinating function, aligned with a wider network of other community-based services and providing seamless access to those services.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors