NHS Wakefield CCG: Community MSK & Physiotherapy
Wakefield has a population of 377,094, which is predicted to rise by 5% by 2030. The main challenge lies not in a rising population but a significant rise in those aged over 65 years with a projected increase of 22% in this population by 2030. Current evidence shows that this age group exhibits the highest demand for MSK services; therefore it is imperative local provision is fit for purpose in meeting this changing demand and need, particularly as people live longer. That means it is imperative that people are empowered to enjoy a good quality of life through a mix of self-management advice and clinical support. In Wakefield, more than 1 in 5 people (22%) report an MSK condition which is above the national average of 16.5%. This increases the need for a holistic, fit for purpose MSK service which considers the multifaceted nature of patient's needs. 70% of the Wakefield population currently has excess weight whilst childhood obesity a major concern highlighted in the Wakefield JSNA. This coupled with the rapidly declining activity levels in adults (only 67% of men and 55% of women in Wakefield achieve the recommended activity levels) continually adds pressure to the MSK system and requires a radical transformation from an interventional system to one focussing on long term, prophylactic self-management of one's health and wellbeing. Due to longevity of life, rising obesity and the effectiveness of joint replacements to maintain normal living, the demand on joint replacements continues to rise. This continually adds pressure on the orthopaedic service and creates significant challenge to deliver the 18 week referral to treatment standard. The key outcome is that the population of Wakefield receives the best personalised MSK and Pain Management services in accordance with their needs, in a timely manner, using a shared decision making approach. Underpinned with the ethos of providing the right care in the right place at the right time, first time; with a focus on quality, spend and patient outcomes.
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85100000 - Health services
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1 Possible Competitors