NHS Wakefield CCG Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service.
General overview and objectives of serviceThe Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is an NHS programme of talking therapy treatments recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) which support frontline mental health services in common mental health disorders. (see was created to offer people a realistic and routine first-line treatment, combined where appropriate with medication, which traditionally had been the only treatment available.The vision for Wakefield is to improve the Mental Health and psychological wellbeing of people in the District. To achieve this we need to:Improve psychological wellbeing and support the prevention of mental health problems.Invest in early intervention.Promote self-management of mental health problems.Focus on recovery.Ensure services meet physical and mental health needs and no one falls through the gaps.Ensure service user and carer participation in everything we do.As such, the IAPT Service has an important role to play in delivering an integrated care pathway for people with common mental health disorders and should build on existing multi-agency partnerships with a variety of statutory, voluntary and private providers working collaboratively.It is expected that a Lead Provider arrangement will be secured and that The Service will deliver the following outcomes:A responsive service by ensuring at least 75 % of people begin their treatment within 2 weeks of referral.An accessible service by delivering evidence based interventions to at least 6,800 people per annum.A clinically effective service by ensuring that at least 50 % of people entering treatment move to recovery.A productive service by helping at least 100 people return to work, access education or training or where appropriate find meaningful activity per annum.A flexible service by ensuring a blended model of service delivery which incorporates the use of online services to deliver support and treatment.Improved health and well-being through reducing stigma, increasing understanding of common mental health conditions and promoting the ability to self-care by providing self-directed support and recovery packages and self-help activities.A patient centred service by offering patient choice of therapy, delivery method, location and therapist, appropriate to individual need.A caring service demonstrated through patient feedback, friends and family test, complaints.A safe service demonstrated through appropriate use of step up and down options, reported incidents and clinical audit.
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85100000 - Health services
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1 Possible Competitors