NHS Wakefield Community Nurse-Led Microsuction Service AQP
NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is procuring a community nurse-led microsuction service. This will be part of the district’s overall wax occlusion service for the adult population of Wakefield District using the Any Qualified Provider (AQP) route. The aim is to provide a high quality nurse-led service for microsuction that can be provided safely in the community setting. This will ensure patients have choice and ease of access and will meet the overall objectives of delivering care closer to home. In securing services from Any Qualified Providers (AQP), NHS Wakefield CCG requires assurance of competence, quality and safety standards, just as it would for services secured under a formal tender process. Any provider will be eligible to apply for this AQP subject to demonstrating compliance and competency against the specified criteria outlined in the service specification. The successful provider(s) will provide a community nurse-led microsuction service located within the boundaries of Wakefield District and accessible to adults registered with Wakefield GPs. The overarching aims of the service are to: • Commission a community nurse-led microsuction service, providing treatment closer to home which is clinically effective, appropriate, convenient and easy to access for patients; • Deliver patient satisfaction through a high-quality and responsive service; • Ensure appropriate waiting times for treatment; • Efficient use of resources via a cost-effective service model, to reduce inappropriate use of the secondary care provider. The service must integrate seamlessly with local ENT and Adult Hearing Services and must adhere to the NHS Wakefield clinical pathway for wax occlusion which is available on Map of Medicine. The majority of microsuction for the removal of occluded wax is delivered by Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust within the hospital setting and there are also a small number of providers who currently deliver this in the community setting. NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) serves a registered population of approximately 350,000 people. The successful provider(s) will be expected to sign the standard NHS contract, accepting all terms and conditions. It should be noted that under the AQP model, there will be no guarantees of volume or payment in the contracts awarded. The service will be paid by units of activity at the following rates: £52 per microsuction procedure. The full details of the service can be found in the service specification.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors