NHSCPP Framework Agreement for the Supply & Delivery of External Breast Prosthesis (including bras and bra adaptations)
The NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership (NHS CPP), comprised of NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative, NHS London Procurement Partnership, NHS Commercial Solutions and East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub, is procuring a Framework Agreement for the Supply & Delivery of External Breast Prosthesis (including bras and bra adaptations). The Framework Agreement will be available to all organisations detailed in Section VI.3 of this Contract Notice (each, a "Participating Authority"). There are four product groups within the specification of need for external breast prosthesis. Namely: • Breast forms • Partial shapers • Post-operative products - Bandages/Belts, Softies and Mastectomy and Compression Bras • Accessories - Nipples and Breast Form Sheets It is not envisaged that the Supplier will provide all product groups but will be able to provide a selection. The public sector bodies to whom the use of this framework agreement will be open include, in particular, the following in the United Kingdom and their respective statutory successors and organisations created as a result of re-organisations or organisational changes, and any private sector entities having similar procurement needs. - National Health Service (NHS) bodies in England, including acute Trusts (including those operating community hospitals and the provider functions of the former Primary Care Trusts), Care Trusts, Mental Health Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, any of which may be an NHS Foundation Trust, and Clinical Support Units (CSU's), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG's), General Practitioners and General Practitioner commissioning consortia, Special Health Authorities and Area Teams (See NHSTrustListing.aspx); - Health Boards, NHS Trusts, Community Health Councils and other constituent bodies of the NHS in Wales (; - NHS Scotland and its constituent bodies including: the Scottish Ambulance Service, Special NHS Boards and the other constituent organisations of the Scottish National Health Service (; - Health and Social Care Trusts, Health Agencies and other constituent bodies of the Health and Social Care Service in Northern Ireland (; - Social Enterprises and Community Interest Companies (CICs).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33184420 - External breast prostheses
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors