NHSE Specialised Commissioning Invitation to attend a WebEx Market Engagement Event and a notice for the upcoming opportunity to provide the Open Fetal Surgery to treat fetuses with open spina bifida service (PIN)
Reference OJEU / TED notice: 2019/S 019-040800 dispatched 24/01/2019 deadline for EUsupply registrations 12/02/2019 17:00 Prior Information Notice - Invitation to attend a WebEx Market Engagement Event and a notice for the upcoming opportunity to provide the Open Fetal Surgery to treat fetuses with open spina bifida service. Description of the procurement opportunity: NHS England Specialised Commissioning (The Commissioner) is planning to commission organisations to provide the Open Fetal Surgery to treat fetuses with open spina bifida service for the population of England in the United Kingdom which will be known as Fetal Surgery Centres (FSCs). This notice is to advise prospective providers of the Commissioner's intention, and opportunities to engage and participate in a dedicated WebEx Market Engagement Event. NHS England (National) Specialised Commissioning (Highly Specialised Services) will be the contracting and commissioning authority for this service. The service will provide expert multidisciplinary assessment, counselling, open surgery and post-surgical care to women carrying a fetus which is suspected of having open spina bifida following the 19-week anomaly ultrasound scan which has been undertaken by the local or regional unit. Prior to surgery taking place, the case of each woman carrying a fetus diagnosed with open spina bifida will be discussed at a surgical multidisciplinary discussion which is jointly held between the appointed FSCs. Aim of service: The aim of the Open Fetal Surgery to treat fetuses with open spina bifida service is to reduce the morbidity associated with open spina bifida by providing prenatal corrective surgery to appropriately selected women who meet the inclusion criteria. Link to service specification: The service specification can be found at: The future opportunity will be advertised and procured on the basis of the current NHS Standard Contract. The service is expected to commence on 1 September 2019. The procurement will be in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the "Regulations"), Schedule 3 - Social and Other Specific Services". Interested organisations are also invited to attend a market engagement event which will take place on Wednesday 13 February 2019, 13.00 to 14.30 GMT via WebEx. Targeted audience, draft agenda and joining instructions are provided in the attached documents accompanying the event registration questionnaire - Quote/tender 34238. Link:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors