NLEDP 157 - NDQIS RMS Gateway Deployment & Support Requirements
The National Data Quality Improvement Service (NDQIS) is a new national service being developed for the Police Service, based on well-established software tooling from Datactics, which will allow Police Forces to submit files of data for analysis according to pre-set rules. This will improve the accuracy of classification of the data, and/or "cleanse" it by updating relevant fields in Forces records. This Cloud based service will include the ability to automate the extraction of data from the force's crime recording system (termed its "Record Management System", or "RMS"), via a call to its API, and the ability to present cleansed data to the RMS for re-ingestion, again via an API call. This Procurement aims to select and engage with a partner to roll-out the RMS Gateway to c. 40 or 41 forces across England & Wales. The Service will primarily involve deployment at many forces that use the same commercial RMS software product, but have their own instance, their own local business practices, and their own configuration of the RMS, and where an integration of that RMS with NDQIS has been successfully proven in live-pilot already.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors