NOMS-Reducing Reoffending-Tender to Pilot a new approach that will improve outcomes-National Probations Service’s (NPS) Approved Premises (AP)- Grant Funding 2015-16
NOMS are inviting expressions of interest for a Grant Award to support an organisation with work that is aimed at encouraging and to foster interpersonal relationships between staff and service users. Developing an understanding of the needs of the service users can in turn influence a more meaningful relationship. This can effect a safe, secure and inclusive environment with the potential to reduce the risk of violence, exclusion and enhance overall public protection. The scope of the grant is broadly as follows: 1.The grant will help support, promote and encourage a range of approaches to facilitate improved outcomes for service users. NOMS commissioning intentions include provision to commission services which will “enhance public protection and ensure a safe, decent environment and rehabilitative culture”. 2.The funding seeks to enable the following outcomes: For the applicant/s to be successful the recipient of the grant would demonstrate how their proposals will have specific focus on the development of tools, activities, evaluations and interventions that can improve outcomes for residents of AP’s. We envisage the outcomes to compromise of the list below however this list is not exhaustive: a)Data indicating enhanced resettlement and improved overall compliance with the regime. b)Protection of staff and other residents and a reduction in disruptive behaviours within the AP environment. c)Reduced indicators of residents experiencing isolation associated with their protected characteristics via e.g. analysis of complaints received. d)Quantitative and qualitative interviews and service user sampling. e)Products that will help to inform and enable new and complementary means of working with individual and specific groups. Please find further details in the attached Scoping Document.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75231000 - Judicial services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors