NONDK20230607 - Ecological Survey and Analysis for Land & Habitats
In summary, the services comprise the provision of ecological services to Bord na Móna in relation to the provision of baseline vegetation monitoring and analysis as part of the Enhanced Decommissioning, Restoration and Rehabilitation Scheme (EDRRS) ( (EDRRS is also known as the Peatland Climate Action Scheme (PCAS)). This ecological monitoring will inform vegetation research on the classification of BnM cutaway bog vegetation that would eventually be published as an Irish Wildlife Manual. Methods in respect of the required baseline monitoring should follow the approach of Smith and Crowley (2020). This would require a) survey work by suitably qualified ecologists to record vegetation quadrats and then b) interpretation and statistical analysis to classify the vegetation types based on the quadrat data. It is expected that a new , robust system of vegetation classification for cutaway bog vegetation types would be developed and a final report published as an Irish Vegetation Manual.
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1 Possible Competitors