Non-Household Smart Metering
Scottish Water's purpose is to support a flourishing Scotland by being trusted to care for the water on which Scotland depends. We are proud to provide water and wastewater services that are essential to everyday life for households and businesses across Scotland. We make a critical contribution to Scotland's health, well-being and prosperity, the sustainability of our natural environment, and our country's long-term economic success. Our purpose is founded on the quality of water supplies and our care for the environment. To do that every day, we must keep building our customers' trust in us as their expectations rise, the climate changes and our assets get older. We fulfil our purpose by pursuing three strategic ambitions: Service excellence, great value & financial sustainability and beyond net zero emissions. These ambitions are interconnected - success depends on us achieving all three, not one or the other and to do this, we need to do things differently. As we work towards the delivery of our strategic ambitions, Scottish Water is planning a nationwide rollout of smart metering for approximately 136,000 business customers from 2025-2031, subject to detailed planning and funding approval. This initiative follows a successful pilot of smart metering technologies for approximately 3,000 business customers in Inverness and Orkney. To achieve this, Scottish Water aims to develop a comprehensive range of technical and operational capabilities that include managing the supply, installation, and maintenance of water meters, implementation of communication networks, and provision of data services (e.g. ingestion, aggregation, storage, analysis, and insight generation) to support robust smart metering infrastructure. Scottish Water's requirements may be procured as combined or separate lots. We welcome responses from suppliers who can offer some of or all these capabilities. We are particularly interested in innovative and collaborative approaches that could be deployed across the supply chain. The framework(s) will be awarded in 2025, with a planned installation start date of Autumn 2025 and we invite potential suppliers to share their ideas, capabilities, and proposed approaches.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38421100 - Water meters
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors