Non-musculoskeletal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Diagnostics in Brent
The service was commissioned to improve access to diagnostic tests as part of a drive to reduce waiting times and improve choice options for patients. The service provides non-MSK MRI diagnostics for registered patients in Brent. the overarching aims of the service are to ensure: •That acute providers meet waiting time targets •Reduce annual activity and spend on diagnostic imaging for Brent •Provide access to high quality DA imaging in both acute and community settings in Brent Also deliver on Brent's strategic and operational efficiencies The care pathway commissioned is pre-appointment communication with patients, the diagnostic investigation and a report sent to the referrer which covers not only the description of the investigation and the findings, but also, covers where appropriate any recommendations for further imaging or investigation, and advice on management incorporating the agreed NWL pathways.
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors