North Building Roof Upgrade - Upgrade of roofing membrane, cold water, ventilation and heating systems.
The existing roof covering membranes to the North Building are reaching the end of their economic life and require replacement. Some areas of the existing roof have insufficient thermal properties due to the absence of insulation and as part of the roofing upgrade works it is proposed to upgrade the thermal properties of the existing structure through the installation of an insulation layer below the new roofing membrane.The scope of works will also include: - the installation of roof membrane/flashings to upstands/parapets to the roof and refurbishment and replacement of existing rainwater goods as necessary. - the removal of both existing roof lights and removal of existing water tank rooms and the reinstatement of the roof structure and coverings to these areas. - introduction of new AOV's above staircores- replacement of a number of existing rooflights- creation of new window opes in existing lecture rooms, etc and provision of windows to same- works to an existing Plant Room to accommodate larger water tank/ pumps including upgarde of existing structure and enclosure- the boilers in the existing boiler house are to be replaced along with the requirement to insulate the floor in plant area. - removal and disposal of obsolete plant along with removal and reinstallation of other plant and ducting to accommodate the roof works will be required and involve electrical works. - M&E works required to all areas and to allow the removal of water tank enclosures including new water pipework distribution network in first floor ceiling void and associated builders works, etc- provision of a fall arrest system to the perimeter of roofThe works will be undertaken in a single continuous phase which will commence in June 2023 and progress beyond
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45261210 - Roof-covering work
45310000 - Electrical installation work
45261900 - Roof repair and maintenance work
45350000 - Mechanical installations
45000000 - Construction work
45214000 - Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors