North East Essex Social Prescribing Model - GP Care Advisor (Specialist Social Prescribers) Service
This is a contract award notice to communicate a contract extension to GP Primary Choice. NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group is challenged financially and by the demographics of a growing elderly population. To deliver the vision described in the Suffolk and NEE Sustainability and Transformation Plans there is a move towards a collaborative way of working as the NEE Health and Wellbeing Alliance (part of the Suffolk and NEE Integrated Care System (ICS)) to form locally tailored solutions to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of the population of North East Essex, by creating the conditions for people to be able to live long, healthy and meaningful lives. Research shows that only 20% of a person's wellbeing is affected by medical support they receive. The rest is made up of social factors e.g. housing, education, employment, finances, social care and transport. Research shows evidence of reduced GP contacts, increased self-care, reduced social isolation, improved mental health, reduced hospital attendances and many other benefits when people are signposted to non-medical services to support their non-medical wellbeing. Evidence collated from mapping social prescribing services available across NEE highlighted that currently there are a range of services available to support people with non-clinical health and wellbeing needs, however service provision appears fragmented and difficult to navigate, resulting in confusion and potential duplication within the system. Pressure is being experienced within Primary Care with people presenting to General Practice with needs which traditionally do not sit within a clinical model of care. In response to the positive results of a local pilot and the national roll out of the PCN DES, the CCG has made the decision to work with a group of system providers to develop and establish a collaborative approach towards the delivery of social prescribing across Colchester and Tendring. This will be the best solution to provide an affordable and sustainable social prescribing model which is integrated within General Practice and the developing Primary Care Networks in North East Essex. Noting the breadth of available services across NEE, several providers spanning Primary, Community, Social and Voluntary sectors are committed to service transformation, offering a range of unique and diverse perspectives working together to map existing provision and identify the best model of support for General Practice. The GP Care Advisor (Specialist Social Prescriber) service for which this notice is published is a key service in the delivery of a social prescribing model based within General Practice which aims to optimise wellbeing through a holistic approach to people's needs. Incorporating both health and social care within a Primary Care setting will support in the prevention of deterioration, exacerbation of conditions and release capacity in Primary Care contributing to wider system resilience.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85120000 - Medical practice and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors