North Kirklees & Greater Huddersfield CCG Fast Track End of Life Domiciliary Care Provision
North Kirklees & Greater Huddersfield CCGs are seeking a provider to deliver high quality "Fast Track" End of Life Domiciliary Care provision in line with the principles of the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care (2018). Service Details When referred by the Continuing Healthcare Team the provider will deliver a maximum of 12 weeks high quality holistic care in service users own home. Care packages will vary between 1 to 4 calls per day, maximum of 1 hour per call with 1 to 2 care workers in attendance dependant on individual need and as detailed in the care plan. The provider will be in receipt of a care plan for each service user at the time of referral; the provider will coordinate the delivery of the care plan with timely reviews as required. Domiciliary Fast Track (End of Life) care will include activities which require a degree of personal and physical care but could also include more complex interventions. The provider must have appropriately skilled and experienced domiciliary care workers that can provide End of Life care for service users in their own home. The provider is expected to develop, deliver and maintain a key competency framework for all care workers, evidencing appropriate skills and competencies to deliver the role (inc. safeguarding). Record keeping should demonstrate a Care Worker's attendance at the service user's home and that this matches their Care Plan and agreed hours of care. Records should evidence daily care activities and highlight any incidents, accidents or risks and the actions and reporting mechanisms. The provider will act as the first point of contact for service users, families and significant others, coordinating referrals to other agencies as required acting in the best interests of the service user and their families. Service Operating Hours: Domiciliary care provision will operate 7 days a week, 365 days a year and must be flexible to meet the needs of service users and the commissioner requirements. The provider must be able to demonstrate that adequate capacity in care provision is available across the whole of the Kirklees area and that they are able to initiate a care package within specified timeframes given this vulnerable client group. Service Users who have a rapidly deteriorating condition may require a care package to be in place within 4 hours of referral. The service will require a resilient referral management system between the hours of 09.00 and 18.00 Monday to Friday (minimum) to ensure that referrals are processed efficiently. A "single point of contact" must be established with robust systems and processes in place to ensure effective communications for the commissioner, service users and their significant others. Expected demand: The provider must be able to deliver care in a responsive and flexible manner, responding to peaks and troughs in demand with an average of 2,700 care hours per month across the whole Kirklees area.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors