North Wales Intermediate Care Fund Programme Evaluation
The aim of this commission is to secure rigorous, independent evaluation of the ICF across North Wales which willExamine the planning, implementation, management and leadership of the ICF programme across North Wales on a regional and individual Local Authority / BCUHB basis.Ensure the project objectives and achievements are aligned to the Performance Indicators.Examine to what extend these projects are likely to contribute to the purpose of this fund as stated by Welsh Government.Work with leads to identify opportunities to share learning within and across Local Authorities, BCUHB and outside organisations.Work with leads to identify suitable reserve projects to commence if slippage is identified.Ensure that effective linkages are made across this programme and other NW programmes funded from Regional Collaboration Funding.Provide a critical friend, challenging the partners to ensure that the projects are sufficiently ambitious, and transformational.An indication of the overall lessons learned and potential implications for policies and procedures.The evaluation should consider the likelihood of the inputs and processes made available within the programme to deliver the aims and objectives of the overarching programme and individual projects.Outcomes from this evaluation will drive continual improvements and referrals giving North Wales and the Welsh Government an evidence base for further development, supporting the maximisation of benefits realisation for the citizens of North Wales.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors