Northamptonshire County Council: Framework for Care and Support in Specialist Housing (CSSH) Service Category 3 - Learning Disability ONLY
The CSSH Framework was originally open for applications in October 2018. As this is a LTR Framework Agreement, the Contracting Authority reserved the right to re-open the Framework Agreement at its discretion, and increase the number of Providers on each Service Category. The Authority is now re-opening the CSSH Framework for applications for "Service Category 3 - Learning Disability" only, and is for up to five additional Providers. Service Category 3 - Learning Disability - Adults with moderate or severe learning disabilities - who have additional needs arising from multiple disabilities which may include complex health needs, and/or physical disabilities or mental health problems. The CSSH Framework will incorporate a simple and cost effective process of calling off services from providers, either by mini-competition or direct award. It is anticipated that the CSSH Framework will support people to move from a residential care setting, or their own homes, into suitable accommodation where care and support can be effectively accessed. The CSSH Framework will also help to achieve the quality, continuity, affordability, availability and comprehensiveness for the services required. Suitable providers are therefore encouraged to apply for future opportunities and propose new models for implementation within the county so that independent living for vulnerable people can be promoted. The same evaluation criteria will be used if the Framework Agreement. The rankings for the Service Category may alter - all current Providers will receive confirmation of the rankings upon award of this re-opened FW (via the ProContract messaging service). Providers who have already been accepted onto "Service Category 3 - Learning Disability" of this Framework Agreement will not need to re-tender. The five highest scoring Potential Providers who meet the evaluation criteria will be accepted onto "Service Category 3 - Learning Disability" of the Framework Agreement and will have the opportunity to be selected for call-offs and further competitions. Providers will be ranked according to the award criteria score under the Service Category. The deadline for completed Framework applications to be received on the LGSS eTendering Portal is 12:00noon on 29th April 2019.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors