
Northern Powergrid TSMS (Total Management Solutions).


This notice is to indicate that Northern Powergrid Limited and associated companies including Northern Powergrid (Northwest) Limited and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc will use the UVDB system, which is managed by Achilles Information Limited, as a system for the registration of suppliers, contractors and service providers (vendors) for the purpose of awarding contracts of any value that are fully covered by the EU procurement legislation and may use it for other contracts. This notice represents a call for competition under the relevant legislation.When selecting suppliers to tender for contracts, for certain types of contracts it considers to represent a high risk to its operations, Northern Powergrid Limited and associated companies including Northern Powergrid (Northwest) Limited and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc will require suppliers to be on the UVDB and audited using Achilles Verify supplier audit system. These types of contracts are indicated below, identified by Achilles code numbers. Suppliers must ensure UVDB registration and completion of Verify audit requirements to be considered for selection for tender list for these types of contracts.This notice also indicates Achilles code numbers for other contracts, where Northern Powergrid Limited and associated companies including Northern Powergrid (Northwest) Limited and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc considers the risk to its operations as lower. In order to be considered for selection for Medium Risk tenders lists for these types of contracts only UVDB registration is required initially and in order to be considered for selection for Low Risk tender lists for these types of below contracts, only TSMS registration is required. Low risk suppliers who wish to be considered for above threshold contracts will be required to be registered on the UVDB as well.The following works, services and supplies classifications represent the UVDB coding structure as available on the day this notice was issued. Vendors not already registered on the UVDB should apply to Achilles using the contact details in section l.1 in order to ensure that their details are available to Northern Powergrid considering awarding contracts both above and below EU thresholds. Vendors already registered on UVDB should ensure their registration details are up to date.1.0.0GENERAL BUSINESS PRODUCTS1.1.0GENERAL BUILDING / CIVIL PRODUCTS1.1.6Pre-Cast Building Products1.1.7Paints & Varnishes1.1.8Fasteners & Fixings1.1.9Scaffolding1.1.10Glass, Ceramic, Plastic & Rubber Products1.1.11Textile fibres1.1.12Signs1.1.13Road Furniture1.1.14Fencing1.1.15Steel/Metal Products1.1.16Tinsmith Products1.1.17Horticultural Products1.1.18Underground Marker Materials1.1.19Insulation/Plastic Tape1.1.20Muds1.1.22Domestic Appliances1.1.23Adhesives & Sealants - General1.1.26Prefabricated Buildings & Associated Products1.1.27Industrial Consumables1.1.28Heavy and medium structure1.1.29Padlocks, bolts and locks1.1.30Plumbing Equipment & Sundries1.1.32Lifts & Escalators1.1.33Light structure1.1.34Metal grids1.1.35Bulkhead gates1.1.36Metal cabinets and boxes1.1.37Gas bottles1.1.38Metal containers1.1.39Sandwich panels and other composite materials1.1.99Other Building/Civil Products1.2.0GENERAL BUILDING/CIVIL MATERIALS1.2.1Sand1.2.2Gravel1.2.3Aggregate & Stone1.2.4Reinstatement Products1.2.5Concrete Ready Mixed1.2.8Insulation & Materials1.2.9Mobile Accommodation Units1.2.16Timber Materials1.2.17Fixtures & Fittings1.2.18Piling (exc. Steel Sheet Piling and Timber Piling)1.2.98Other Quarry Materials1.2.99Other Building/Civil Bulk Materials1.3.0OFFICE/DEPOT MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT1.3.1Office Equipment1.3.2Office Furniture1.3.3Office Stationery1.3.4Office Furnishings & Fittings1.3.5Audio & Visual Equipment & Accessories1.3.6Furniture for hotels and restaurants1.3.7Drawing Office Equipment & Supplies1.3.9Paper & Card1.3.13Pre-Printed Stationery/Supplies1.3.16Publications (Off-The-Shelf)1.3.17Paper Maps1.3.18Janitorial Equipment & Supplies1.3.19Archiving equipment and consumables (microfiche, etc)1.3.20Microform Equipment1.3.21Printing & Photographic Chemicals & Materials1.3.22Catering Equipment1.3.23Catering Supplies1.3.24Storage/Warehouse Equipment & Supplies1.3.25Packaging Equipment & Supplies1.3.26Security Printing1.3.27Pre-Printed Plastic Cards1.3.28Interior Furnishings & Fittings1.3.29Food & Drink Supplies1.3.30Postal Equipment1.3.80Recycling Supplies1.3.81Recycling Equipment1.3.99Other Office Materials & Supplies1.4.0TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT1.4.1Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories1.4.3Voice Processing & Other Speech Related Products1.4.4Telecommunication Transmission Equipment1.4.5Telemetry Equipment1.4.6SCADA & Telecontrol Equipment1.4.7Mobile Radio Equipment1.4.8Microwave1.4.9Antennae/Aerial Masts1.4.10High frequency systems1.4.21ISDN Equipment1.4.22C.L.A.S.S. Equipment1.4.23PABX Equipment1.4.24Payphones & Spares1.4.25Communication Tower Steel Structures1.4.26Radio Clocks1.4.27Synchronising Equipment1.4.28Satellite Communications Equipment1.4.29Radar Equipment1.4.30Radars for wind farms close to airfields1.4.99Other Telecommunications Equipment1.5.0COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES1.5.1Computer Hardware & Accessories - Workstations/Servers1.5.2Computer Hardware & Accessories - Portable1.5.3Computer Hardware - Mainframes1.5.4Computer Peripherals1.5.5Network Equipment & Accessories1.5.6Software Development Tools1.5.7General Business Software1.5.8Specialist Business Software1.5.9Technical Software1.5.10Utility Software1.5.11Computer Consumables1.5.12Computer Systems1.5.13Remote control and telecontrol systems1.5.99Other Computer Equipment & Supplies1.6.0CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT1.6.1Waterproof Clothing1.6.2Protective Clothing1.6.3Work Wear/Corporate Clothing1.6.5Footwear1.6.6Personal Protective Equipment1.6.8First Aid Kits & Supplies1.6.99Other Clothing & Footwear1.7.0SECURITY & FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT1.7.1Security Equipment1.7.4Fire Fighting Equipment1.7.5Fire/Gas Detection/Protection Systems1.7.6Fire Protection Materials1.7.7Insulated stools and rugs1.7.8Showers and eyewash fonts1.7.9Poles and accessories1.7.10Protection equipment for live working1.7.99Other Security & Firefighting Equipment1.8.0TRANSPORT & MOBILE PLANT & RELATED EQUIPMENT1.8.1Passenger Cars1.8.2Vans - Car-derived1.8.3Commercial Vehicles1.8.6Specialist Vehicles, Tankers, Bodies & Trailers1.8.7Tyres & Tubes1.8.8Cable/Pipe Laying Plant1.8.9Mobile Plant1.8.10Trenchless Equipment1.8.11Access Platforms & Equipment1.8.12Horticultural Equipment1.8.14Garage Equipment1.8.15Vehicle/Mobile Plant Parts & Accessories1.8.16Boats & Marine Vessels1.8.17Bicycles & Spares1.8.18Railway Equipment1.8.19Passenger Loading Bridges1.8.20Baggage Trolleys1.8.21Fuel Delivery, Storage & Dispensing Equipment1.8.22Suction Excavation Machinery1.8.23Suction Excavation Vehicles1.8.98Other Transport1.8.99Other Mobile Plant1.9.0MATERIAL & PRODUCT HANDLING1.9.4Conveyor Systems incl. Belts1.9.13Cranes (Mobile) & Mechanical Handling Plant/Equipment1.9.36Drive Belts, Chains & Couplings1.9.37Cranes (Fixed Location)1.9.41Lifting Gear, Winches & Other Lifting Equipment1.9.42Aerial Cableways1.9.99Other Material & Product Handling1.10.0TOOLS & SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT1.10.1Tools & Equipment - Cable Joiners1.10.2Tools & Equipment - Overhead Line1.10.3Insulated Tools1.10.4Hand Tools (Non-Powered)1.10.5Tools & Equipment - Drilling1.10.6Power Tools1.10.8Test & Inspection Equipment1.10.9Workshop Machinery & Equipment1.10.10Industrial Cleaning Equipment1.10.11Workshop Cleaning Consumables1.10.12Machines - Tools1.10.13Abrasive Products1.10.14Welding & Cutting Equipment1.10.15Tools & Equipment - Pipeline1.10.16Weighing Equipment1.10.18Pollution Control Equipment1.10.19Ladders and Climbing Rails1.10.20Port/Marine Tools & Equipment1.10.21Gas network stoppling equipment1.10.22Drumming systems1.10.99Other Tools & Specialist Equipment1.11.0ENERGY, WATER, FUELS, OILS & GREASES1.11.1Electricity1.11.2Natural Gas1.11.10Solid Fuel1.11.11Petrol1.11.14Insulating Oils1.11.15Lubricating Oils1.11.16Paraffin1.11.17Heating Oils1.11.18Fuel Oil1.11.19Hydraulic Fluids1.11.23Degreasants & Solvents1.11.24Greases1.11.25Biodegradable Oils1.11.26Fuel Additives1.11.27Mains Water (Potable)1.11.28Alternative/Emergency Water Supplies1.11.29Additives and corrosion inhibitors1.11.30Additives for lubricants1.11.31Additives for polymers1.11.99Other Energy, Oils & Fuels1.12.0INDUSTRIAL GASES1.12.1Propane1.12.2Butane1.12.3Oxygen1.12.4Nitrogen1.12.5Carbon Dioxide1.12.6Sulphur Dioxide1.12.7Sulphur Hexafluoride1.12.8Argon Free Oxygen1.12.9Hydrogen1.12.10Methane1.12.11Acetylene1.12.12Helium1.12.15Argon1.12.16Argonshield1.12.17Oxygen Free Nitrogen1.12.99Other Industrial Gases1.51.0ROLLING STOCK EQUIPMENT - MECHANICAL1.51.2Wheelsets & Components (Rolling Stock)1.51.3Bearings (Rolling Stock)1.51.4Brake Equipment (Rolling Stock)1.51.5Brake Blocks (Rolling Stock)1.51.6Brake Discs & Pads (Rolling Stock)1.51.7Brake Hoses, Pipes & Fittings (Rolling Stock)1.51.8Buffers (Rolling Stock)1.51.9Drawgear (Heavy Drop Forgings)1.51.10Diesel Engines & Power Units (Rolling Stock)1.51.11Cylinder Heads & Liners (Rolling Stock)1.51.12Turbochargers (Rolling Stock)1.51.13Fuel Pumps & Fuel Injection (Rolling Stock)1.51.14Filters (Rolling Stock)1.51.15Transmission/Gearbox Spares (Rolling Stock)1.51.16Suspension Equipment (Rolling Stock)1.51.17Pneumatic Equipment (Rolling Stock)1.51.18Anti-Vibration Products (Rolling Stock)1.51.19Rolling Stock1.51.99Other Rolling Stock Equipment - Mechanical1.52.0ROLLING STOCK EQUIPMENT - ELECTRICAL1.52.1Electrical Rotating Machines (Rolling Stock)1.52.2Carbon Brushes (Rolling Stock)1.52.3Train Cells & Batteries1.52.4Lighting Equipment (Rolling Stock)1.52.5Electrical Components (Rolling Stock)1.52.6Control & Instrumentation Equipment (Rolling Stock)1.52.7Pantographs/Shoegear & Components (Rolling Stock)1.52.8Train-borne Communication Equipment1.52.10Passenger Counting Systems1.52.11Train Signalling & Control Equipment1.52.12Cable Harnesses (Rolling Stock)1.52.13Passenger Information Systems1.52.99Other Rolling Stock Equipment - Electrical1.53.0ROLLING STOCK EQUIPMENT - INTERIOR1.53.1Air Conditioning Equipment (Rail Interior)1.53.2Heating Equipment (Rail Interior)1.53.3Door Locks (Rail Interior)1.53.4Doors & Door Gear (Rail Interior)1.53.5Windows & Glazing (Rail Interior)1.53.6Seats & Interior Fittings (Rail Interior)1.53.7Toilet Equipment & Furnishings (Rail Interior)1.53.8Vending Machines (Rail Interior)1.53.9Ticket Machines (Rail Interior)1.53.10Video Display Equipment/CCTV (Rail Interior)1.53.11Fire Fighting Equipment (Rail Interior)1.53.12Commercial Advertising Equipment (Rail Interior)1.53.99Other Rolling Stock Equipment - Interior1.54.0RAILWAY MATERIALS1.54.1Rail Sleepers - Concrete1.54.2Rail Sleepers - Timber1.54.5Rail Fasteners1.54.6Rail Insulators1.54.7Track Welding Materials1.54.8Track Warning/Safety Equipment1.54.9Rail Lubricants1.54.10Concrete Products - Rail Supply1.54.11Rail Tunnel Doors1.54.12Railway Detonators (inc disposal)1.54.99Other Railway Materials1.55.0RAILWAY EQUIPMENT - PERMANENT WAY1.55.1Points Heating Equipment1.55.2Railway Switches & Crossings1.55.3Level Crossing Equipment1.55.4Cable Troughing (Rail)1.55.5Railway Tools1.55.6Track Welding Equipment1.55.9Rail Lifting & Jacking Systems1.55.10Buffer Stops (Rail)1.55.11Overhead Line Equipment1.55.13Permanent Way Castings1.55.14Rail Bonding Systems1.55.15Permanent Way Trolleys1.55.16Condition Monitoring Products (Rail)1.55.17Track Cleaning Equipment1.55.99Other Railway Equipment - Permanent Way1.56.0RAILWAY EQUIPMENT - SIGNALLING & TELECOMMUNICATIONS1.56.1Signalling Cable1.56.2Signalling Tools1.56.3Signalling Equipment1.56.4Signalling Lamps1.56.5Signalling Relays1.56.10Telecommunications Equipment (Rail)1.56.99Other Railway Equipment - Signalling & Telecommunications1.57.0STATION EQUIPMENT1.57.1Locks & Depositories (Station)1.57.2Luggage Lockers (Station)1.57.3Passenger Self Help Trolleys (Station)1.57.4Platform Canopies & Covered Ways1.57.5Platform Furniture & Seating1.57.7Staff Clothing Lockers (Station)1.57.8Wheelchair Access Ramps (Station)1.57.9Station Clock Systems1.57.10Customer Information Systems (Station)1.57.11Ticket Vending Machines (Station)1.57.99Other Station Equipment1.60.0AIRPORT EQUIPMENT1.60.1Airport specific information systems1.60.2Flight Information Displays (FIDS) (Screens with flight and gate information)1.60.3Flight Management Systems (AODB) (to register passengers per airline and invoice airlines)1.60.4Baggage Handling Systems (Insourced/Outsourced)1.60.5Passenger Queue Measurement Systems1.61.0AIRPORT HANDLING EQUIPMENT1.61.1Baggage transportation equipment1.61.2Baggage classification equipment1.62.0AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS1.62.1Communication systems (VHF-YHF, Tetra Systems)1.62.2Radars and surveillance systems1.62.3Air navigation systems: ILS (Instrumental Landing Systems), NDB, VOR1.62.4Meteorological equipment: IRVR Transmission meters, AMOs/RAMOS/SAMOS/FAMOS1.63.0AIRPORT FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT1.63.1Firefighting vehicles - airside2.0.0GENERAL BUSINESS SERVICES & WORKS2.1.0IT & TELECOMMUNICATION RELATED SERVICES2.1.1Hardware Services2.1.2Software Development Services2.1.3Software Support Services2.1.4IT Training2.1.6Facilities Management Services - IT2.1.7Recruitment Services - IT2.1.8Telecommunication Network Services2.1.10Data Collection & Handling Services2.1.11IT Network Services2.1.12Internet/Intranet Services2.1.13Telecommunication Equipment Associated Services2.1.14Call Centre Services2.1.15E-commerce Services2.1.16Escrow Services2.1.17IT Disaster Recovery Services2.1.18Smart Grid Technology Services2.1.19Smart Meter Services2.1.98Other Computer Services2.1.99Other Telecommunication Services (excl. Line Construction, Maintenance & Repair)2.2.0BUSINESS CONSULTANCY2.2.2Financial Consultancy2.2.3IT Consultancy2.2.4Change Management Consultancy2.2.5Energy Management Consultancy2.2.6Estates & Property Consultancy2.2.7Health & Safety Consultancy2.2.8Procurement & Materials Management Consultancy2.2.9Public Relations Consultancy2.2.10Security Consultancy2.2.11Telecommunications/Telemetry Consultancy2.2.12Environmental Consultancy2.2.13Quality Assurance Consultancy2.2.14Personnel/Human Resources Consultancy2.2.16Retail Consultancy2.2.17E-commerce Consultancy2.2.18Corporate Planning & Strategy Consulting2.2.19Facilities Management Consultancy2.2.20Marketing & Advertising Consultancy2.2.21International trade consultancy2.2.22Risk Management Consultancy2.2.23Value Management Consultancy2.2.24Sports & Recreational Consultancy2.2.25Electricity Consultancy2.2.26Insurance Consultancy2.2.27Corporate Social Responsibility Consultancy2.2.28Administrative consultancy2.2.29Community Relations Consultancy2.2.30Public Consultation Consultancy2.2.31Tree Consultancy2.2.99Other Consultancy2.3.0FINANCIAL, ACCOUNTANCY & LEGAL SERVICES2.3.1Banking Services2.3.2Insurance Services2.3.3Pension Funding Services


Published Date :

5th Aug 2014 10 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

48000000 - Software package and information systems

3000000 - Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products

15000000 - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products

43000000 - Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment

38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)

24000000 - Chemical products

30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages

18000000 - Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories

39000000 - Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products

32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment

41000000 - Collected and purified water

31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; Lighting

9000000 - Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy

42000000 - Industrial machinery

22000000 - Printed matter and related products

37000000 - Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories

16000000 - Agricultural machinery

35000000 - Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment

44000000 - Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (excepts electric apparatus)

19000000 - Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials

34000000 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation

14000000 - Mining, basic metals and related products

33000000 - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors