Notice of Intention To Award Contract via the Most Suitable Provider Process: City and Hackney Access to Toenail Cutting Service
Notice of Intention to Award via the Most Suitable Provider Process.North East London ICB and the London Borough of Hackney and City of London would like to commission a provider to undertake a toenail cutting project. The contract for this project will be awarded via the Most Suitable Provider Process. Following the closure of this PIN those who express interest in being considered to deliver the project will be asked to respond to a selection questionnaire including a set of questions asking bidders to demonstrate their ability to deliver the project in line with the 5 key criteria as detailed in the Provider Selection Regime. On the basis of responses to this questionnaire, a decision to award the contract will be made by Sandra Husbands, the Director of Public Health.The provider will work with City and Hackney GP practices to recruit patients to the project that meet set a criteria for clinic and home visits. Two health inequalities patient monitoring questionnaires will be developed for completion pre-appointment and at the last appointment to gather appropriate data for the project. Patients will participate in the questionnaires in return for toenail cutting every 3 months for an 18-month period (maximum 5 appointments). The provider will manage the service delivery for the patients delivering toenail cutting every 3 months to the patient. An evaluation of the questionnaires will be required at the end of the project. The funding budget is 65K over a 18 month duration.
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors