Notting Hill Housing — Asset Management Data Solution.
Facilities management software package and software package suite. Database systems. Scheduling and productivity software package. The contracting authority, Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) wishes to procure an asset data and facilities management solution which will enable Notting Hill Housing's (NHH) to effectively manage the organisation's housing portfolio.The proposed solution, referred to as ADMS, will support the management of its estates from both an Facilities and Asset Management viewpoint, using one solution.It will be a central repository for all assets and component information and the single resource for recording and tracking all work history, costs and documents against all components. The ADMS solution will enable PAM to efficiently and effectively manage these functions and ensure that contractors are provided with the information they require to optimise their operations.There are 3 core functionalities the new system must provide:— 24/7 reactive maintenance;— Programmed maintenance services covering all trades;— Investment modelling.This must support four categories of processes:— Asset Data Record — capture, input requirements, document management;— Programmed Maintenance — cycles, costs, surveys, programme, variations, mobile working;— Responsive Repairs;— Contract Management — Procurement, payments, performance management;— Bidders should note that NHH have used the terminology ‘Asset and Facilities Management’ as an all encompassing term that includes Estate, Building Services, Compliance and Safety, which the Property Asset Management (PAM) team performs the functions of both to support NHH's Housing stock.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48610000 - Database systems
48330000 - Scheduling and productivity software package
48420000 - Facilities management software package and software package suite
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors