Nottingham City CCG Evaluation of of BME Prostate Cancer Project
Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group is looking for a supplier to carry out an evaluation of the Nottingham City BME Prostate Cancer Project The aim of the evaluation is to: To determine whether the pilot is meeting its aims and objectives To determine the successes of the pilot To determine barriers to success To determine whether this service delivery model is the best way to target the target population To determine whether this service delivery model can be applied to other demographic groups and/or other health needs To determine whether any good practice can be adopted by mainstream local services to make them more accessible to the target population To determine whether there is any learning to be shared nationally It is expected that the evaluation will: Measure the impact of all the components of the pilot and whether they work effectively Evidence whether the pilot has helped to increase awareness of prostate cancer in Nottingham Evidence whether the pilot has helped to increase awareness of the health needs of the BME community in Nottingham Evidence whether the pilot has helped to increase awareness of prostate cancer in the BME community of Nottingham City Evidence whether the pilot has helped to increase the BME community’s understanding of prostate cancer Evidence whether the BME community feel more supported to access health services Evidence whether there has been significant access to the service by the BME community Evidence whether the service has been accessed from outside Nottingham City CCG Evidence whether there has been significant access to clinical tests by the BME community Evidence outcomes for patients accessing clinical tests Evidence participant satisfaction Evidence staff satisfaction Include an analysis of the outcomes identified in the outcomes framework for the pilot, including health and well-being indicators There is an expectation that the evaluator will start work on the evaluation prior to the pilot starting. This is so they can ascertain what the current level of awareness of prostate cancer is in the BME community in Nottingham City To express your interest in this opportunity please log into If you are not already registered you will need to register in the first instance. To download the RFP click ITTs open to all and select Nottingham City CCG Evaluation of BME Cancer Service. The RFP including service specification and evaluation criteria will be available to view under the supplier attachments. The closing date for the completion and return of proposals is Monday 29th February 2016
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors