Nottingham City CCG Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Service
Nottingham City CCG seeks offers from suitably qualified suppliers for the provision of Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Services. The CCG would welcome bids on the basis of individual suppliers, lead providers or from a consortium of qualified providers. The aim of the service is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Nottingham City’s diverse population using a model which delivers proactive, accessible and co-ordinated support with co-production at the heart of successful service delivery. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Services will provide a central point of access for people who would like to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing. The service will support people by providing advice and information on mental health and wellbeing services and will also act as a central resource for use by other professionals (supporting them to give advice and information on emotional and mental wellbeing to the people they care for or serve). It will also deliver 1:1 and group interventions via a community outreach support service. The service will incorporate a number of distinct elements which include: Mental Health Information, Advice and Navigation Hub The Hub will deliver an information and advice service for those who have queries about their emotional wellbeing and/or want to make changes to their lives in order to improve their wellbeing. The service will also deliver a navigation function for those who require additional support to access a range of services. The Service will be responsive to differing levels of need by offering: Provision of information and signposting for the general population. Assessment of Need and Navigation. Community Outreach Support Service The aim of this Service is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of people who require more intensive support via a community based approach. The Service will offer people the support and help they need to regain confidence to engage in everyday social and workplace activities. People benefiting from this service are likely to have accessed or been referred to the navigation element of The Hub. The Provider will work with individuals using a recovery focused approach, ascertaining their support needs and setting personal goals. Interventions may be delivered in small groups where people share the same goals or on a one to one basis if required. Social inclusion is an important aspect and the service must establish close links with existing social inclusion programmes to support people to access mainstream activities e.g. volunteering, education, sports, leisure and arts. The Service will also support people to access specialist services which may include alcohol and drug services, debt advice, housing, benefits and employment support services. The Service should be flexible and responsive to individual needs, including operating at weekends and in evenings if required.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors