Nottingham City CCG Mental Health Education, Self-Care and Recovery Service.
Nottingham City CCG invites offers from suitably qualified providers for the provision of Mental Health Education, Self Care and Recovery Service.The CCG would welcome bids on the basis of individual suppliers, lead providers or from a consortium of qualified providers.Aims and objectives of service:— Co-production, development and delivery of educational approaches to support individual recovery from and self-care of mental health problems.— Increase people's understanding and ability to manage their mental health needs.— Equip people with the tools and skills to be aware of and self-manage their mental health.— Increase carer/family member's understanding and confidence and ability to manage their own mental and health and wellbeing, as well as that of the person being cared for.— Improve people's experience of mental health services (including those who use them, carers and those who work within them).The Service will deliver a learning and educational approach based on the principles of the ‘recovery college’ model outlined by ImROC. Amongst other things, this includes consideration of:— Co-production between people with personal and professional experience of mental health problems — this should be evident in all aspects of the Service from curriculum development to quality assurance.— Provision of a physical base (building) for delivery of courses/workshops — multiple locations should be available to improve accessibility for those who wish to benefit from the Service.It operates on college principles — the Service does not offer treatment. Students should select courses/workshops from a prospectus based on their own personal aims and what they want to achieve. As in any college, a ‘student charter’ should be developed to describe what the person can expect to gain and what is expected in terms of attendance and behaviour. Ensuring the safety of all students will be paramount and the service must ensure robust safeguarding procedures are in place to suitably protect vulnerable people.There is a Tutor (or equivalent) who offers information, advice and guidance — the ‘tutor’ helps students select the courses that suit them based on their hopes, aspirations and what they want to achieve.The Service will be developed to suit people with mild to moderate mental health related support needs (not under the care of secondary mental health) and will complement interventions delivered by Primary Care Psychological Therapies and other locally commissioned mental health and wellbeing services.Service delivery should broadly cover:1) Pre-course discussion — although direct booking will be possible, guidance should be available, if needed, to help people select the relevant courses which will support achievement of personal aims and objectives. Specific learning needs and/or additional support should be identified at this stage. Consideration must be given to reasonable adjustments that can be made to meet individual requirements and reduce barriers to access/success.2) Short, non-formal courses/workshops delivered in a supportive, non-judgemental environment which help people to:— recognise triggers which may contribute to mental ill health.— identify actions to sustain and improve mental and emotional health and wellbeing.— develop ongoing coping strategies to support a mentally healthy lifestyle.3) Informal ‘top-up’ courses/workshops for people who have progressed from courses or have completed treatment with other services but who may need further support at stressful times.The Service will publish a widely available prospectus (including an online version) outlining a description of the education and self-care courses/workshops available; times and locations; how to enroll on relevant courses. The prospectus will be regularly reviewed and updated in light of changing needs and people's feedback.Examples of education and self-care course content may include:— Identifying and managing mental ill health symptoms e.g. anxiety, low mood, depression.— Coping with stress and challenging negative thinking.— Setting personal recovery goals and developing plans to achieve them.— Understanding and managing mental health in relation to physical health problems.— Introduction to mindfulness.— The impact of diet, sleep and activity in terms of good mental health.— Relationships and assertiveness.— Managing problems and difficult days.
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85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors