Nottingham City Hospital Medical Gas System Maintenance
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (The Trust) has awarded a contract for ongoing servicing and maintenance of the medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) located at the Nottingham City Hospital (The Services). The purpose of the Services is to ensure the Trust complies with Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 02-01 as well as applicable standards and relevant legislation. The objective is to ensure the provision of safe and reliable medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) for administering of medical gases (E.g. oxygen) to patients under the care of the Trust. The Term is 24 months to 30 April 2026 with the option to extend for a further 36 months. This extension shall take the form of three 12 month incremental periods. An MGPS comprises a source of supply, pipeline distribution system, terminal units (to which the user connects and disconnects medical equipment) and a warning/alarm system. Systems include for, but are not limited to, provision of: oxygen, nitrous oxide and medical air for respiratory and surgical applications. To ensure the MGPS operates safely and reliably, the Trust requires a contractor to provide regular planned preventative maintenance to mitigate risks of faults or failures occurring as well as reactive maintenance services, such as call outs. A minor issue, such as a leak in the pipeline for example, may have major consequences such as patient fatality as a result of oxygen deprivation. The Contract has been procured via direct award as permitted under Lot 11 (Medical Gas Systems) of the North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOECPC) NOE.0289 Estates, Maintenance and Engineering Services (Hard FM) Framework.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors