NP Estate Carbon Reduction Plan
Bath Spa University is required to reduce its carbon impact by improving the estate's energy usage. Due to the intricate nature of the site, inspection and works packages will include both service and works. During Phases 1 and 2, small investigation works will be instructed, and further tenders or direct awards will be required due to the consultancy proposal's specialism. A Neutral Vendor option is used to reduce the risk of non-compliance with PCR 2015 and allow for the adaptability of the tender process for each element. This was awarded via the AEC Neutral Vendor Framework for Multi-Specialism Services. The project will be divided into three phases, and the aforementioned ACE Stages correspond to the standard RIBA 2020 Stages. Phase 1 involves surveying the Estate to identify energy and carbon efficiency opportunities, preparing a decarbonization plan that meets Salix Funding's requirements, and moving forward with the final scope of works to be implemented. Phase 2 involves preparing tenders for the implementation of energy and carbon efficiency measures, awarding contracts to chosen subcontractors, and managing the implementation phase, including cost management and quality control. Phase 3 involves designing low/zero carbon heat sources, such as heat pump technology, preparing an investment-grade proposal for the project, and managing the implementation phase, including cost management and quality control. Please note that this final phase may not be used under this contract agreement and may be released as separate works packages.
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Tender Regions
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors