(NU/1545) - Communicating the impact of our research activity for policy-making
The scope of the work is to provide the following as detailed in the ITT document: •To advise and deliver a high-level public affairs and communications campaign to upscale and improve ways in which the University communicates effectively with policymakers, improve existing and develop new dialogues with policymakers, and more widely demonstrate how research at the University shapes evidence-based policymaking •Undertake an independent assessment of the research and policy impact Newcastle University makes to the city of Newcastle and wider UK, highlighting the role the University plays in shaping and delivering benefits for society, with a view to improving our research activity - and subsequent communication of said research - to support future evidence-based policy-making •Identify opportunities within, but not limited to, Westminster to raise awareness of our key research projects and make proposals for the University's attendance at key political events, providing support with briefing materials, event logistics and media relations •Development and support in developing a suite of print and digital materials to communicate and engage with relevant stakeholders to deliver on the aforementioned objectives, providing not only information and case studies, but signposts and gateways for further policy engagement and development
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1 Possible Competitors