NU/1760 Identifying Opportunities for Newcastle University to Leverage through the Newly Proposed Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Recent UK reports have highlighted the need for products and services to support healthy ageing, and address inequalities. NICA were Advisory Board members to the All Parliamentary Group for Longevity, which launched the Health of the Nation: A Strategy for Healthier Longer Lives (February 2020). Longevity economies are not just about existing markets further developing to meet the needs of current "older people". They are also not just about products and services for independent living, or for older people's health and social care. Instead, the opportunity is much bigger. It is about through-life health and wellbeing, and investment in products and services that are essential in early and mid-life, to enable residents to enjoy longer, productive, healthier lives. The CAV site as a whole will require £500m investment from both the public and private sector. The University will work with its principal development partner to develop a detailed commercial model for the site which will include identification of appropriate income sources to ensure the site is self-sustaining. To help define future direction, the University now needs to undertake market research to gain a better understanding of which private and public entities with an interest in longevity and ageing could be potential tenants, collaborators or investors in the CAV project
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79310000 - Market research services
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1 Possible Competitors