(NU/1092) The Supply and Installation of an LCMSMS System for Label-Free Proteomics Experiments
The Newcastle University Protein and Proteome Analysis (NUPPA) Facility was set up to support researchers' protein and proteome analysis needs within and outside of the University. NUPPA identify single proteins and proteins in complex protein mixtures, characterise proteins, find post-translational modifications and quantify proteomes. This tender is a call-offer from the APUC National Agreement for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography Equipment (LAB1001AP) for the supply, installation and commissioning of a high resolution LCMSMS system. The scope of this contract is for the supply, delivery and installation of equipment and as detailed in Section 3 Technical Specification to the University. The contract includes after sales support and an option for 60 months maintenance and servicing and all training necessary for safe and reliable operation of the system.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38433100 - Mass spectrometer
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors